How to drain a pond with a pump and hose - Digging Pond - Part 2

| Home Remodeling | 2 seen

Today I had a chance to excel in pond works - I was left with no choice but to drain the pond. Luckily the pond guys brought an electric pump to make my life much easier. 

If you are new to home remodeling series, make sure you check out an article on how it all started about a year ago. And of course check out first part on pond digging, when we discovered that pond have been dug without our presence. Surprise pond digging in the middle of Summer.

Now, pond guy phoned me and told me that it would be great that we should drain the pond, he will bring a pump and all I have to do - just to watch for the water level going down and turn of the pump once the works are done. In fact it turned out to be a bit complicated, but in short yes, nothing hard.

Inserting pump in the pond

Inserting pump in the pond

Luckily I had bought an electrical extension cord 40 meters long to plug the pump to the electricity. 

Pond drainage

Pond drainage

With help of about 30 meters long hose I had an option to drain pond water to the nearby cherry tree garden. 

Pond drainage - few hours later

Pond drainage - few hours later

In total it took me about 6 hours to drain the pond. Next morning pond guys will return and fill continue (finish) digging the pond.