Painting Floor - Final Touch For Maximum Effect (Second Paint Layer)

| Home Remodeling | 0 seen

Right, we have arrived to the second post in my painting floor adventures from home remodeling series. Today I will show you how after adding second paint layer to our rural house's paint we achieved the maximum effect.

Paint work was performed at the start of July, 2015

Make sure you read other posts in our adventurous efforts of remodeling an old country house.

Floor ready for second layer of paint

Floor ready for second layer of paint

Read more how I prepared this floor and applied base layer of paint here:

Floor waiting for a new layer of paint

Floor waiting for a new layer of paint

As you can see in the background - it is a kitchen starting to get already a decent look

Applying second layer of paint

Applying second layer of paint

Wow,that's a dramatic makeover

Painted floor

Painted floor

Looks much better. Now our new temporary bedroom is almost ready, it's time to put in some furniture, finish kitchen works and start thinking of changing a leaky roof.