Chasing sunset photography with a strong foreground is a brief story, which happened on the next day after Summer Solstice. We took our moms and a little doggie and decided to visit coastal Latvian beaches.
At start we headed to Pāvilosta piers, I left girls wandering around while installed a tripod and thought I will make a few HDR's here. I have been into HDR photography since the day 1 I discovered this lovely technique back in Tbilisi. The rule of thumb for a great HDR is so called Golden hour - 30 minutes before sunrise/sunset to get interesting colors.
Pāvilosta piers
I have felt in love with the city of Pāvilosta since the day one I first visited it. Read my review of Pāvilosta piers or see Piece of Life postcards from series post - Postcards from Pāvilosta.
The above picture was not yet post - processed and I already knew - I have a good picture for my 365 days photo project. So we left white sand beaches of Pāvilosta and headed to nearby tavern - Āķagals, and spent there about an hour. My better part told me - hey, but we must get you a better sunset photography - let's visit the nearby Jūrkalne seashore bluffs... I wandered, how does she knows that above picture is not good enough if it's not yet even post-processed? But I agreed.. and we continued our route for chasing a better sunset photography.
Sunset photography near Jūrkalne seashore
This was actually first time I visited Jūrkalne, here I have covered a brief description - Jūrkalne seashore bluffs. And then it happened.
Sunset photography near Jūrkalne
She was right - we were driving Pāvilosta - Venstspils road and then it happened - a strong foreground (tree) and sunset. The rest was the matter of technique. We spent a good amount of time at this meadow, made some selfies and even videos.
This brief story of chasing a better sunset photography with a strong foreground reminds me times when my beloved told me at 4AM - hey, let's go and photography Tbilisi in morning... Want to see the result? See Tbilisi - Fairyland in Winter
I can only say thanks to my better part for awakening me up at 7,6,5 or even 4 AM or suggesting to chase for a better foreground to support me in my 365 days photo project. Piece of Life after all!