Affiliate programms

How To Apply For Affiliate Program


Lately I have been starting to evaluate the power of affiliate marketing. So far I have been playing around with two affiliate marketing programs - and Amazon Associates.Speaking of first (Booking) - the results kinda suck, while second (Amazon) seems like a brilliant finding. Since I'm not seeing any return of using Booking I started…

Setting My First Amazon Affiliate Marketing Goal


Amazon affiliate program is something completely new for me, not to say affiliate marketing as whole is a new thing for me. I have been playing around with Google Adsense for last 5 years (my earnings are still pathetic low - actually, just in two last months I have earned a bit more than $10 per month)Speaking of Affiliate marketing programs, the…

My Online Income Report - July 2014


At start of every month I'm publishing my online income report covering earnings I managed to earn sole on internet (this doesn't include freelance or service payments I receive through my professional career). The resaon I'm publishing these reports is simple - It keeps me track where I was, where I'm and where am I heading to. @Reinis_Fischer I…

Setting my first affiliate goal


I'm new to affiliate marketing and I'm new to affiliate marketing. Although I have been using affiliate marketing for more than one year already - I haven't made much of it. But that doesn't mean this affiliate marketing program sucks. That means - my affiliate marketing tactics sucks. And I have decided to change that. To…

Amazon Associates Program: How to Apply and Get Started


If you’re looking to monetize your website or blog, Amazon’s Affiliate program is an excellent option. As the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon offers a wide variety of products, and as an affiliate, you can earn commissions on the products sold through your referral link. Here’s a step-by-step guide to apply for Amazon’s Affiliate program…