My Online Income Report - July 2014

At start of every month I'm publishing my online income report covering earnings I managed to earn sole on internet (this doesn't include freelance or service payments I receive through my professional career). 

The resaon I'm publishing these reports is simple - It keeps me track where I was, where I'm and where am I heading to.


Last month was another great month in terms of my online income. I managed to earn $21.41 from Google Adsense and Affiliates. Compared to my online earnings last month ($16.49) it's 29.83% increase or it's more by $4.92. Pretty awesome growth right?

My average daily earnings reached $0.69, what is up by $0.14 per day compared to previous month ($0.55). By now my online income generates me a little bit more than minimum wage in Kyrgyzstan (~$16). But I'm still bellow extreme poverty line earnings less than $1 per day.

Now, to be serious - I managed to increase my earnings thanks to I decided to diversify my income streams and I added a affiliate. is one of the worlds largest hotel provider, by today at you can choose your hotel from more than 500 000 featured on their site. And best of this - you can became a partner for any of these 500 000 hotels - by applying for affiliate program

I even a created a simple goal for - to send to their site 50 visitors per month

By adding to my potential earners - I didn't expected to earn anything from it yet - but thing is - I managed to send 2 hotel reservations with less than 50 visitors per month.  Those 2 hotel reservations gave me $10.71.  It's more I'm getting from Google Adsense.

Actually my earnings from Google Adsense decreased this month to $10.69 from $16.49. 

I'm really glad I diversified my income streams. 

Well, of-course  - many will keep smiling about my online income report - and you are right - I would smile too.

My online income roundup table


Earnings $

% of total

Google Adsense



Booking Affiliate






As you can see from chart above - both Google Adsense and Booking Affiliate are almost equal - with Booking Affiliate earning me 2 dollar cents more. 

Well  -again I'm glad I'm diversifying my online income streams - and this month shows potential for affiliate streams as great alternative to plug and play Adsense. On the other hand - I'm not planing to eliminate Adsense right now - or any time soon and stick with Affiliates (maybe someday, maybe). As my total earnings are low - it's vital to have Adsense on board.

Instead of that - I'm planing to continue to drive more traffic and invest more time and work in Affiliate programs. 

Speaking of this month (August) - I'm looking to work more with Amazon affiliate program, and who knows - maybe in next report I could include some revenue from it as well.

Booking affiliate - well - I did setup a goal for that - to send 50 visitors to it in one month. I didn't managed to send 50 last month, I stopped at 42 - but it gave me $10.71 in revenue from affiliate.

I will continue to work with booking this month as well - right now - I'm sticking with my modest goals - and sending 50 visitors to Booking this month would be a great result.

My forecast for August earnings?

I will stick with my modest forecasts - honestly speaking anything above single digits will be great, but to keep me in shape I will forecast $15-20 for this month.

Read more about my montly online income reports