Blog Traffic

2019 Blog Income & Traffic Review - Goals For 2020


January is almost at the end and it's time to look back on the previous year of blogging (2019), and no doubts -  take a quick glimpse of 2020 In today's article, I will reveal data behind the blog scenes - both traffic and income for the whole year of 2019. But before we dig into the numbers, here is the brief background - blog now is more than …

Blog Traffic and Income Report 2016 - 635,048 Users / $18,586.41


It is just that time of the year  when I'm looking back on previous 2016 year in my blogger's career. In today's article I will reveal some data behind the blog scenes - both traffic and income for the whole year of 2016. This blog now is more than three years old, and for the last three years it has gone a long way, I have developed my writer…

Q1 2016 Blog Traffic and Online Income - 136,784 Users / $2,467.48


For the past two years I was doing online income reports each month, at start I even had separate versions for traffic and income reports, as time went, and in last September I decided to combine them in one post, latter at the end of the year I got a feeling that monthly reports are probably a bit overdose -  today I'm representing first…

Blog Traffic and Income Report for 2015 - 347,035 users / $9,819.71


This time of the year have come when I'm looking back on previous 2015 year. In today's article I will reveal some data behind the scenes - both traffic and income for whole year of 2015. If you have been following my blog for a while, you have already probably noticed that once in a month I cover monthly traffic and income reports. Make sure you…

Blog Traffic Report - April 2015 - 17,865 Users


Welcome to the already 19th my blog's traffic report. I'm doing both traffic and online income report at the start of each month, to learn, discover and compare how did it go for the last month. Those reports keep me track my progress (or bounces) and hopefully can give a lesson to you as well. What Have I done in the month of April In short -…

Blog Traffic Report - August 2014


<p>Month of August was good in terms of my blog traffic. Comparing to previous month (July) my blog's traffic has <strong>increased by 15.98%</strong> of unique visitors, totalling in <strong>2,584</strong> (2,228 in July).</p><p>I have managed to attract<strong> 356 more</strong> unique…