
Eldar's Bike Workshop at Kidobani Market (Tbilisi)


Eldar's bike workshop is a place where back at the end of 2013 we bought two mountain bikes as a Christmases gift for ourselves. Take a look of my riding experience in Tbilisi: First ride, Cycling to Tbilisi sea or alternatively check out cycling topic. At Eldar's place you can fix leaky tires, fix brakes order new details and of course to buy a…

Cycling in Jūrmala (Bicycle Tourism)


Welcome to another cycling series post - this time about cycling in Latvian beach resort city Jūrmala. Actually it has been a while when I last time sat on my bicycle back in Tbilisi, Georgia. We headed to Jūrmala city just shortly after the 3rd Eastern Partnership Business forum which was held in Riga. We stayed overnight at the lovely hotel…

Tbilisi By Night - Cycling Old Town To Didube


The other day we took again our bikes and made a pretty lovely night ride in Tbilisi. From Old Tbilisi to Didube and back. For some reason my GPS tracker (MapMyRide) didn't worked properly, it missed at least first 2 km from this route. Another thing to mention -  I have a pretty bad camera for night vision shots back at the time I didn't know how…

This day for history


At first- I am too tired and wordless to write a 500 words/day minimum word post. Second - decided to stop cycling in unsafe streets of Tbilisi. Third - my blog cracked 20,000 unique visitors in total (counting since October 2013) Forth - yesterday seems affiliate sales generated me more than $100 There are days we should be happy about our…

Cycling Tbilisi - Night Ride - Tbilisi Old Town


This ride was an extended versions for ride I made a few days ago - Dinamo Arena - Dibude. And again - evening (night), with hopes there will be less people in the streets and less vehicles. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. Seems, Tbilisi never sleeps - and speaking of night cycling in this Caucasus city- it seems even more dangerous than cycling bt day - in…

Cycling Tbilisi Embankment - evening ride - Dinamo Arena - Didube


Yesterday was a hot day, it was about 37 Celsius, and I offered to make a cycling after 9:00PM, but we agreed to ride at 7:00PM, at first we stopped for some chicken barbecue at 11 Katkha restaurant near Dinamo Stadium. It turned out - yesterday Georgian National Football team played against Kazakhstan, since our favourite restaurant is located…

Cycling to Tbilisi sea and back


Today was a great Saturday, we took our bikes and rode to Tbilisi sea and back. It was all day long (more than four hours) fun experience in very hot Summer day in Georgia. Total distance: 16.9 km, Climb: 213 m, Time: 4.30h, Feelings: Superb Route map When we finally reached Tbilisi sea - I was so exhausted, after I got of from bike, my…

Cycling in Tbilisi: Left Embankment of Mtkvari


Left Embankment of Mtkvari is one of the longest asphalt pavement cycling distances in city of Tbilisi - it stretches from Didube to Ortochala (passing Tbilisi Old Town). It is among the easiest routes as well.  For today's cycling assignment I decided to use section Marjinashvili - Didube - Marjinashivli from Left Embankment of Mtkvari…

Cycling in Tbilisi: Marjanishvili - Ortachala


Left Embankment of Mtkvari is one of the longest asphalt pavement cycling distances in city of Tbilisi - it stretches from Didube to Ortochala (passing Tbilisi Old Town). It is among the easiest routes as well.  In today's Tbilisi cycling series post I'll share some photos from  Marjanishvili to Ortachala ride, you will see interesting and…

Exploring Tbilisi on Two Wheels: A Journey Through the City's Streets with a Mountain Bike (2013)


I recently went on my first mountain biking excursion of the year on December 23rd. Although it wasn't a true mountain biking experience, I rode my bike along the streets of Tbilisi, crossing over the Mtkvari river on the Queen Tamar Mephe bridge and back. Here are some candid photos from my ride that showcase the city's streets and scenery.…