On October 1st, 2023 Tbilisi Marathon was held (organized by Heildebergcement and I participated in running 10 kilometer distance setting my personal record, finishing in 1 hour 10 minutes, and 1 second.
After our successful start at Tbilisi Fun Run in early spring, we decided to challenge ourselves one more time and most team members from Caucasus Translations joined the race.
Before the race, I took 4 training sessions on running 10K, three times on a treadmill and once an almost a 9K trail run with a friend in Tbilisi mountains.

The start hour for the marathon was very early, at 7 AM, so we had to get up very early to get to the start. As Marathon was actually passing the street we live on (Mikheil Tsinamdzgvrishvili Street), we were a bit worried there would be no way to get to the start line in time, but luckily at 6:30 street was still open and we managed to get a taxi ride to Rustaveli avenue.

The start was given and we started our race. I started from the slow runners positions (more than 60 minutes for 10K). During this race i ran 1km and the took a break for about 60 seconds waling slowly. Surpirsingly but the result at the finish line was my abosulte best.

I always enjoys makeing such photos

Our kiddo did both the kids run and together with mom 10K

Besides running for Caucasus Translations team I was running under Terramatis crypto hedge fund T-shirt, looking to grow it into somthing huge over the years. On the running day funds value - $80.51.
I hope to run some od the next 10K's under 60 minutes.