Chops by the River - Restaurant & Grill

Chops by the River restaurant and grill is now among my favorite Tskenti restaurants, and allow me to say among Tbilisi restaurants as well. Located in village of Tskneti this restaurant offers single priced grill menus and very pleasant atmosphere.

I have heard of this place by some friend before, but the circumstances that made us actually to visit this restaurant was a little bit strange. As an active outdoor lovers we were off to hiking trip from Tskenti to Turtle lake, unfortunately this route is not anymore accessible, because of landslides near Tskenti. Read more: Failed attempt to complete Tskneti - Turtle lake hiking route

After hiking some 2km in the nowhere we decided to turn back. We agreed, we should visit Chops by the River because we have heard of it and it is located somewhere in Tskenti. We wondered how do Georgians call this place, we came out with - Chopi bai de riveri. I continued our route back to civilization and sung Chops by the river.

We were back on the road (paved) and at start I decided to take a taxi to this place - unfortunately taxi driver thought Chopi bai de riveri is located in Tbilisi... So .. I decided to take bus #34. So we did. Turned out Chops by the River is located at the last stop of bus #34.

Story can be told now:

Chops by the river restaurant in Tskneti

Chops by the river restaurant in Tskneti

We entered this restaurant and it looked it is not working, although doors were opened. After short glimpse of wandering waiter approached - I asked - are you working? Yup, they are working. I asked for a table on the terrace. We were completely alone in the large restaurant complex. But we have been use to it for last couple of years here in Georgia.

Menu at Chops by the River

Menu at Chops by the River

Menu is simple and complicated altogether - basically you pay fixed price and eat as much as you can, unfortunately it is hard to understand what to order here. Pricing is divided in two levels: Grill level and Restaurant level. We chose two Green zone plus all you can eat meats for GEL 35 and ordered God knows what (I was told  I can choose 8 meat meals, I decided to stop with 4, but at the end we got even a baked trout - God knows what, but worth of it.)

Outdoor multi level terrace

Outdoor multi level terrace

It must be very cozy in mild summer nights here

Assorted Georgian cheeses

Assorted Georgian cheeses

I believe these were one from the salad kind

Sauces for the meat

Sauces for the meat

Grilled meat and vegetables

Grilled meat and vegetables

A hamburger

A hamburger

Our table

Our table

Inside interior

Inside interior 

Lovely mood

Lovely mood

Got some ideas for our upcoming home remodeling tasks here.



Tea in the pot

Tea in the pot

The bottom Line

Although our bill here was well above hundred lari here, I don't regret a tetri spent here. Superb interior, lovely atmosphere and great grilled meat. Highly recommend!

41.681242, 44.693043