Amazon Affiliate

Blog Online Income Report - December 2014


<p>Welcome to my twelve blog income report - covering month of December 2014.&nbsp;</p><p>I'm making an <a href="">income report</a> each month covering earnings I have made solely in internet and in general with my blog.</p><p>Those…

My Online Income Report - November 2014


<p>This is already my 11 online income report. I'm making an income report each month covering earnings I have made solely in internet and in general with my blog.</p><p>Those reports keeps me track were I'm, were I was and were I'm heading to. I hope they can inspire some as well.</p><h2>About online…

How Amazon Affiliates get paid in Republic of Georgia - Part 1


How participants of Amazon Associates program are getting paid in the Republic of Georgia by a bank check is a blog series I originally made at the end of 2014 / start of 2015 while struggling to redeem my first bank check issued by Amazon, Although it's still technically possible to withdraw bank checks in Georgia, at the end of 2016, I flew to…

My Online Income Report - October 2014


<p>Welcome to my <a href="">monthly income report</a> - this time covering month of October 2014.</p><p><strong>In brief:</strong></p><p>Things kinda went wrong - after 2 great months with Amazon Affiliate, October earnings decreased,…

My Online Income Report - September 2014


<p>This is already my 9th <a href="">Online Income report</a>, now covering my earnings in month of September 2014.</p><p>For a start - I must admit - <span style="text-decoration: underline;">September did break a bank and outperformed…

My Online Income Report - August 2014


<p>This is already my eight <a title="Online Income Report" href="; target="_blank">Online Income report</a> this year - covering my online income for month of August 2014.</p><p>In brief - August so far has been the absolute best in…

How To Set Event Based Google Analytics Goals - Amazon Affiliate Links Tracking Example


In this article I will guide you through - how one (perhaps you) can define custom even based goals in Google Analytics reports - and I will give you a real example - how to track Outbound links to Amazon.With this post I'm starting a new topic series in my blog - Web Analytics. I have already previously covered different topics related to web…

Setting My First Amazon Affiliate Marketing Goal


Amazon affiliate program is something completely new for me, not to say affiliate marketing as whole is a new thing for me. I have been playing around with Google Adsense for last 5 years (my earnings are still pathetic low - actually, just in two last months I have earned a bit more than $10 per month)Speaking of Affiliate marketing programs, the…

My Online Income Report - July 2014


At start of every month I'm publishing my online income report covering earnings I managed to earn sole on internet (this doesn't include freelance or service payments I receive through my professional career). The resaon I'm publishing these reports is simple - It keeps me track where I was, where I'm and where am I heading to. @Reinis_Fischer I…

Amazon Associates Program: How to Apply and Get Started


If you’re looking to monetize your website or blog, Amazon’s Affiliate program is an excellent option. As the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon offers a wide variety of products, and as an affiliate, you can earn commissions on the products sold through your referral link. Here’s a step-by-step guide to apply for Amazon’s Affiliate program…