Some magic with Drupal, Flickr and Georgia

Update: Further developments of both and instagram wall have been stopped. I have created a new Travel Map section instead.

Since I bought my first Android phone so many new thoughts and ideas has run through my head - I mean in opportunities of development. One of them I already realized - I created my custom Instagram wall, where I'm syncing all my photos taken by phone, and putting them on map. I really like this approach. Update: I have stopped further development of Instagram wall

When I first landed to Georgia, back in 2011, I wanted to start fresh, not only my life abroad, but to make some fresh start up/project. And I created Tourgeorgia. The idea behind scenes, was to make it a geo tagged. To develop portal, by myself discovering Georgia.

For example - I landed at Tbilisi airport, lets add this venue to site and so on. To add just those places, where I have been. 

By now, using my Android phone, I regret I had not it 3 years ago. The things would be far better. But enough regrets.

So I took my phone, turned it in to geo tagging monster. Registered for Flickr Account. And idea is to add all those Places I have been in Georgia to map with photos. No lame Wikipedia articles about some churches or what so ever.

I stoled visual idea from Instagram:

Added some map page:

Photo view:


And its all done just by taking pictures with my phone, no need to login and upload photos.

Fur such behavior of course I have chosen Drupal, Drupal Feeds, Gmap. Flickr/Instagram accounts and of course the phone with camera and GPS.

So will show you Georgia with eyes of me (Samsung Galaxy Core).

In coming days I will finalize site dosing and let's see how it works!

P.S. If you are considering a hosting for your Drupal website check out Bluehost, their shared hosting starts as low as $3.95/mo or read more about cheap Drupal hosting.