
Azerbaijan's $3 Billion Azerbaijan Tower: The Crown Jewel of the Khazar Islands


The construction of the Azerbaijan Tower and the Khazar Islands, a $100 billion city of 41 artificial islands in the Caspian Sea, was first planned to begin in 2015 and be completed by 2025. There is no recent update on the status of the project and whether it has been initiated or not. It's possible that the project has been postponed or even canceled due to various reasons such as funding, economic conditions, or other considerations. It's recommended to check with local sources for the most…

Azerbaijan vs UAE: Comparing the Oil-rich Countries' GDP and Living Standards


Have you read the recent article on NYTimes about Azerbaijan's ambitious plan to become famous? Azerbaijan, like UAE, is an oil-rich country with aspirations for growth and development. In this post, we will compare the GDP and living standards of Azerbaijan and UAE to see how they compare. Using data from the World Bank, we can see that in 2011, the GDP of Azerbaijan was 63.4 billion USD while the GDP of UAE was 360.2 billion USD. The GDP per capita in Azerbaijan was 6.911 thousand USD and…

A Look at the 2013 GDP Forecasts for Baltic States and Caucasus


t is fascinating to compare the economic growth of the Baltic states and Caucasus regions and make predictions on their future growth. The competition between these two regions to achieve a GDP of 100 billion USD is intense. In 2012, the total GDP of the Baltic states was 92.47 billion USD, while that of the Caucasus was 92.94 billion USD, with the latter leading by just 47 million USD. With 2013 already underway, it is interesting to take a look at the forecasts for each country and make…

Baltic States vs Caucasus Region: A Comparison of GDP in 2012


The Baltic states and Caucasus region both have unique economic landscapes that make for an interesting comparison. Let's start by looking at the GDP in each of the six countries in 2012. Azerbaijan was the wealthiest country with 67.2 billion USD, followed by Lithuania with 42.25 billion USD, Latvia with 28.37 billion USD, Estonia with 21.85 billion USD, Georgia with 15.83 billion USD, and Armenia with 9.91 billion USD. It's interesting to see that Azerbaijan was the clear winner when…