
In this section I'm sharing advice, tips and tricks for running successful blog. Cases studies on implementing social media for driving traffic to blog, affiliate marketing, advertising, remarketing, as well SEO tips and other. A lot of articles on analyzing blog traffic results using Google Analytics.

Fourth Traffic Spike - How to get 10,000 Pageviews in One Day


Yesterday (February 18) marked another important milestone for my blog - for the very first time my blog traffic crossed 10,000 page views in one day. Now, don't get me wrong - I would love to report 10,000 daily page views instead of 10,000 in one day, which happened thanks to the huge traffic spike made by a dozen of referring links.  By now my blog gets about 2,000 page views per day, which of course is already a very great result, but having that traffic bump made me smile this morning. OK…

Blog Traffic and Income Report for 2015 - 347,035 users / $9,819.71


This time of the year have come when I'm looking back on previous 2015 year. In today's article I will reveal some data behind the scenes - both traffic and income for whole year of 2015. If you have been following my blog for a while, you have already probably noticed that once in a month I cover monthly traffic and income reports. Make sure you check them out. This article is a round up posts for previous twelve reports.  This blog has gone a long way and has increased it's monthly visitor…

Two Year Blog Anniversary


It was just yet another Autumn evening, when back in the October 10, 2013 I registered my domain name, but in fact I started my blog some 7 days earlier on October 3rd, 2013. I had my blog been setup and it already was filled with a few articles, before it was actually launched. Yes, such strange behavior probably can be explained that geeks do geek things, though I don't see a geek in me. I started this blog thing with a goal - To blog 365 consecutive days and when I…

One Year After Being An Amazon Associate ($7,636.62)


I took me a lot of time to decide either to publish or not to publish post regarding my experience of being Amazon Associate after the first year, but since I like transparency (Read my monthly online income reports) and in fact in past I have done similar reviews, like I covered something about my earnings after my first year of blogging (Read: One Year Blog Anniversary) and my total online earnings in 2014, I decided well - it's OK to publish my findings of being an Amazon Associate after the…

Blog Traffic Report - April 2015 - 17,865 Users


Welcome to the already 19th my blog's traffic report. I'm doing both traffic and online income report at the start of each month, to learn, discover and compare how did it go for the last month. Those reports keep me track my progress (or bounces) and hopefully can give a lesson to you as well. What Have I done in the month of April In short - nothing. After a negative experience last month (see my report about March) I decided not to use any promotion for my blog and indeed I didn't. Well…

Maximizing Revenue: A Guide to Google Adsense Experiments


Google AdSense is a popular advertising network that allows website owners to display ads on their sites and earn money when users click on them. AdSense offers a wide range of ad formats and customization options to help publishers maximize their revenue. However, even with the best practices in place, it can be challenging to determine what ad types and placements work best for your audience. This is where AdSense Experiments come in. AdSense Experiments are a feature that allows publishers…

Content Writing in the Age of AI: What You Should Expect


Content writing has come a long way in recent years, with the rise of digital media and the increasing importance of online marketing. However, with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), the landscape of content writing is likely to change significantly in the years to come. One major development in this area is the rise of AI-powered content creation tools, which use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate written content automatically. These tools are…

Second Traffic Spike Happened - more than 3,500 Unique Visitors on January 19


Another major traffic spike to my blog happened on January 19, 2015, when total unique visitor count reached 3,584. Update: Read how I got 10,000 page views in day a year later. Previous or first major traffic spike happened about a year ago on January 24, 2014, when unique's totalled in more than 1,000. I believe there will be some who are going to smile about such results, I mean those of you who are receiving traffic more than 5,000 unique visitors per day, but for me - well, it's a great…