Nasdaq Baltic

Sold all Bitcoin, Seb Mutual funds, Baltic Horzion and DelfinGroup Stock


Yesterday, on October 25, 2021, I sold all of the Bitcoin holdings I had with Coinbase PRO. Additionally, I sold off all my investments with SEB mutual funds and stocks at Nasdaq Baltic: Baltic Horizon, and DelfinGroup. I did this because I have started another interesting 52-week challenge - buying Apple stock for the next 52 weeks and I want to…

Why I'm investing in DelfinGroup IPO


DelfinGroup is a Latvian fintech company that offers accessible, simple, and consumer-focused finance and pawn services. Starting September 28, 2021, there is an ongoing IPO for DelfinGroup on Nasdaq Baltic stock market. IPO will end on October 11. There is a small hype with this IPO in Latvia and seems after IPO will end, it will attract new…

Top Dividend Paying Stocks from Nasdaq Baltic I'm Planning to Acquire in 2019


I've been investing in the Baltic equity market since April 2017, currently (2018) my capital has been exposed to 16 companies listed on the Nasdaq Baltic stock exchange giving a combined dividend yield (after two years) on cost 7.99%. On the other hand, the total value for my Baltic holdings has been down -21.56% (without dividends) and -9.76% (…

Super Charging May 2019 Dividend Income ($300/mo Goal)


May is one of the busiest dividend paying months from the Baltic Stocks. I've been investing in the Baltic stocks since 2017, and dividend income generated from the Baltic stocks slowly are growing. Nothing to brag about, but still, humble but decent. In May 2017, I made $65.45 from peer to peer lending and Baltic stocks. Although the May of 2018…

Baltic Dividend Stock Market Review - Thoughts After Investing for a One Year


April 2018, marks a small one year anniversary since I've been investing in the Baltic Stock market, more precisely - Baltic dividend stocks.  I decided to invest in the Baltic stocks, once I found I'm too short to open Interactive Brokers account for buying US stocks (required opening minimum is $10,000). Buying Baltic stocks from local brokers…

Thoughts about Upcoming Dividend Income From Baltic Stocks in May 2018 (Zemaitijos Pienas, Olympic Entertainment Group, Klaipedos Nafta)


It feels like I'm losing ground under my feet when looking on the future dividend income for the month of May 2018.At the start, Olympic Entertainment group announced it's intentions to leave Nasdaq Baltics (here I hopped for lucrative dividends) - I decided to sell my humble holdings of Olympic Entertainment Group and bought instead Kaunas…

Nasdaq Baltic Stock Market Biggest Gainers / Losers 2017


There was a 71 company listed on the Nasdaq Baltic stock market in 2017. In today's article, I decided to make a quick look on the biggest gainers and losers for a whole 2017.  Baltic equities are listed on Nasdaq Baltics in 3 listings - Main List, Baltic secondary listing, and Firth North. As of writing this article the total market…

Why I'm Investing in Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFT)


Baltic Horizon Fund has been on my radar since the August 2017. Actually first spotted in March 2017, while doing a quick research on Top Dividend Paying stocks in the Baltics. Despite being listed on Nasdaq Tallinn (aka Nasdaq Baltics) I was not able to purchase fund units from my existing brokerage account. After I sent a short message both to…

Top Dividend Paying Stocks In Nasdaq Baltic I'm Planning to Acquire in 2018


I've been investing in Baltic equity market since April 2017, currently (2017) my capital has been exposed to 14 great companies listed on the Nasdaq Baltic stock exchange giving a combined dividend yield on cost 4.04% For detailed reports see Nasdaq Baltics Review After One Month Investment in Dividend Paying Stocks and Dividend Paying Stocks -…

Minimum Wage Set to Rise in Baltic States in 2018


During the past few years, there have been some positive improvements for raising the minimum wage in all three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). In 2018 minimum wage is set to rise in all Baltic states again. Estonia will a have a minimum wage of EUR 500; Latvia - EUR 430 and Lithuania - EUR 400. That' s a pretty decent leap if…