4 Year Blog Anniversary

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Today, on October 10th, 2017, ReinisFischer.com website is celebrating its 4th birthday. Each blog anniversary is a huge milestone for me and the 4th birthday is no exception. What has started as a simple experiment has turned out to be a successful online business venture!

It was just yet another Autumn evening when back on October 10, 2013, I registered domain name www.ReinisFischer.com, but in fact, I started this blog some 7 days earlier on October 3rd, 2013. I had blog been set up and it already was filled with a few articles, before it was actually launched. Yes, such strange behavior probably can be explained that geeks do geek things, though I don't see a geek in me.

Make sure to check out these great articles on historical blog's birthdays below: 

I started a blog with a simple goal - To blog 365 consecutive days in a row, and when launched, I was looking to reach about 6,000 monthly users by the end of first blogging year. Now, four years latter blog proudly attracts about 100,000 users monthly. See: From 0 To Over 100,000 Monthly Website Visitors in 3 Years and 10 Months

Blog traffic October 2013 - October 2017 (Data source: Google Analytics)

Blog traffic October 2013 - October 2017 (Data source: Google Analytics)

In the past four year's blog have attracted about 1,797,383 users and generated more than 2,5 million page views.

For the past four years, I have been writing every single day - that's more than 1300 days not missing an article (Ok, I missed two days back in 2014 actually)  - consecutive writing has been my corner strategy.

My content writing strategy has shifted away from covering in general topics, towards a fewer, specific key topics on the blog. In 2017, or blogs 4th blogging year, I've hired a few freelance authors, to help come out with new articles in categories: living in Georgia, Digital Photography school. See: How & Why To Hire a Virtual Assistant / Freelancer - UpWork.com

I have partnered with great tourism organizations in Georgia and since the begging of 2017 help organizing tours in Georgia. Massive blog audience and plenty of information about Georgia help things to happen.

The latest trend on the blog - investments in crypto-currencies, since July I've been buying & holding both bitcoins and altcoins, always making an article on some important milestones. Also, I have stopped to publish online income reports (income generated from the blog), but instead focusing on dividend income from great stocks, by building a net worth of 1 million US dollars by 2045

I keep traveling a lot - so do I keep writing independent reviews about interesting places, hotels, and restaurants on the blog. This year has been amazing so far, with countries like US, Germany, Greece, Ukraine, Latvia and of course Georgia been visited in 2017. There is one more major travel plan for the end of this year - Sri Lanka. See a complete travel map.

For the future, I can see that I will keep writing about travel destinations, investments and some technical geek stuff about Drupal website development

Although writing an article per day had been sometimes exhausting, I've developed it as a habit already and I don't plan to abandon this strategy for at least next two years. For the past 4 years this blog has been powered by Drupal 7 content management system, I can see that in one stage I will upgrade it to the Drupal 8, it will be a complicated task, as the blog you are currently reading is pretty custom built, with many cool features not yet supported in Drupal 8.