Digital Photography School

How to take and create HDR Panoramic photos


In today's digital photography school tutorial series I'll show how to create HDR panoramic photos. Make sure you check my previous tutorials on HDR photography - How To Take and Post-Process Night HDR Images , How to Capture and Post-Process Professional HDR Photos Using HDR Efex PRO Now, regarding panorama photos, there is not always a need to create a 180 or 360 degree panoramas, sometimes you just want to fit in your frame a little bit more than a regular shot can do, then comes in…

How To Take and Post-Process Night HDR Images


In today's digital school photography project I'll show how to take night HDR images and post-process them in Adobe Lightroom and Postmatix.  A year ago - taking a decent night photo sounded mission impossible for me, since I have acquired a DSLR camera a lot has changed, and I'm starting to feel being capable of creating even night HDR's now. Take a look on this tutorial: Practicing Photography: Doing Night Shots - Tbilisi By Night. Although I don't like to spend a lot of time on post …

One Second a Day Video Project (November 7 - December 9, 2015)


I decided to great the New Year of 2016 with a 32-second video flashback I made at the end of 2015, filmed mostly in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. ​The idea of creating one second a day video project arrived at me after I watched the movie Chef (2014). I was already doing my 365 days photo project and for the 32 days it was both fun and entertaining to both photograph and film, then post-process, e.t.c. It was a harsh experience as well. But it was worth every additional hour spent to produce…

How to Capture and Post-Process Professional HDR Photos Using HDR Efex PRO


In today's digital photography school tutorial I will show how you can take and make professional looking images using technology which is called HDR photography. In fact before teaching you how to take and process a HDR images please take a note - I have been doing HDR photography less for one month. My findings so far are - like HDR is the best thing (I know as time will go I will probably change my mind and will go back to the routes, who knows maybe I will find a B&W the next BIG thing…

Wanderings In The Tbilisi Old Town (HDR Efex Pro)


It was day 62 from my 365 photo challenge project and I felt I'm out of good photography locations. For couple of the last days I have been doing nice landscape photography in close to me locations, and it seemed that I'm out of options. I asked a friend (photographer) and asked could he give me some advice. He advised me to make a list with items to photograph, like birds, macro's e.t.c. Still I felt I need to continue improving my landscape photography. Then another person asked have I tried…

How To Make Floating Banana Photo Trick (Photoshop / Lightroom)


I created this simple floating banana image using a tripod, camera and Adobe Ligtrooms + A little retouching in Adobe Photoshop. I wanted to make the image look even better so I did a HDR image. Floating Banana Photography Trick I did this image for my 365 day photo challenge project and submitted it as day 49 picture. I really feel proud of my self - like on day 1 I barely knew how to take a decent exposure using Manual mode, while on day 49 I'm photographing floating bananas already. I…

How To Carve a Pumpkin and Make Stunning Halloween Photos


In this post you will learn how to carve a pumpkin and prepare it for a good photography. Let's call this digital photography school tutorial -  a pumpkin photo session. Tools you will need: a pumpkin, sharp knife, a marker, candles a DSLR camera and a tripod (for photography) For a pumpkin I visited local Tbilisi market and bought one for 2 GEL (~0.6$) Let's start with carving that pumpkin: Use a marker to draw up lines on the pumpkin You can use some trafaret or you can just draw by…

Learning Adobe Lightroom Basics


Adobe Lightroom is something completely new and unknown for me, I have been doing photography for some time already and actually have never done anything more with photo like cropping and resizing it. Well I have some basic knowledge on Adobe Photoshop, like I'm using it sometimes to make some simple text logos or other basic graphics for web development. It has been some time since I got my first DSLR camera and I have done with that the some lovely thing - photographed and photographed a lot…

Understanding focal length: Testing 18-55mm and 70-300mm lenses


Welcome to the another digital photography school tutorial on understanding focal length. It's not so long away when I entered magical world of Digital SLR photography, until then I was using simple compact sized cameras and did with them a simple thing - photographed things. Well, things changed when I bought Canon EOS 1200D camera (Read: First Impressions Of Canon EOS 1200D Camera With 18-55mm Lens), then I started to improve my photography skills. Since the camera I bought came with a kit…

365 Day Photo Challenge Project


In this post you will learn why I decided to take a personal 365 days photo project challenge and how I'm planing to complete it. What is a 365 Project? There are many different 365 projects, but they all share one goal in common: taking at least one photograph every single day, for a full year. Many photographers take that idea one step further to including taking, and posting, at least one photograph a day for an entire year. Some people start 365 projects on January 1st, but you can begin…