
Drupal Menu Badges + Views + Flags + Rules = Counting Messages


<p>The Drupal project I'm currently working with get's complicated each and every day - so for a start I faced a problem to display dynamic content as menu items - i found a great not to say one of the greate findings this years in field of Drupal development - <a href="…

Node reference views display using relationships


I started doing some Drupal powered site rebuilding. By first of all I deleted all views and un-installed and deleted modules that are not must-have.  Then I started from scratch building with views: It took me some time (about 5 minutes) to remember how to display referenced nodes on other node page.   Here is what you will need to achieve…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 13 - working with node display


<p>By default, when adding new fields to content type, and then entering values in them, Drupal will display all of them on node:</p><p><img src="; alt="" width="880" height="309"></p><p>But what if we…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 10 - Views exposed filters


<p>Remember at start of this tutorial <a href="">we created a tour types taxonomy</a>, by allowing asign a category for each node from content type tour? Today we gonna add these values to our tours page, by allowing for users to filer tours by their…

Drupal views archive page


<p>Today I decided to give some face-lift to my blog page. I wanted to add an archive function to filter blog posts by month. If you have views enabled, you can use default view archive, which comes with views.</p><p>Since I already had created a page blog, I didn't see any use to use 2 identical views - archive and blog. So…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 7 - Theming views


<p>In <a href="… 4</a> in tutorial series how to build a Drupal site from scratch, I am showing how to build views. Now let's upgrade them, by adding additional fields and even CSS style.</p><p>Yes, we will add CSS style directly into our…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 6 - Working with blocks


<p>In <a href="… 4</a> of this Drupal tutorial series we created a view with block - Features tours. Now is the right time, to do something with this block. And we gonna put this block on our <a href="…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 5 - Custom fronpage


<p>By default Drupal comes with frontpage set to display latest 10 nodes from your site:</p><p><img src="; alt="" width="632" height="573"></p><p>Which might be ok, if you are runing some blog, but if you…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 4 - Creating views


<p>Let's move on with our tourism companies website tutorial.</p><p>In part 1 we created a custom content type - Tours, now it's time to make a few views which will contain data from node related to content type - tours.</p><p>Before creating views - we must download a few modules, to get them work:</p…

Getting Started with Building a Drupal Site from Scratch: Content Types, Fields


Building a website, whether it's using Drupal or not, requires careful planning and consideration. It's important to determine what the purpose of the website is, who the target audience is, and what value it will bring to your business. For instance, if the website is for a tourism company that offers fishing, hunting, and skiing tours, the…