
In this section I'm sharing advice, tips and tricks for running successful blog. Cases studies on implementing social media for driving traffic to blog, affiliate marketing, advertising, remarketing, as well SEO tips and other. A lot of articles on analyzing blog traffic results using Google Analytics.

How & Why To Hire a Virtual Assistant / Freelancer -


2017 have come with some fresh ideas and changes for me how to continue successfully grew my personal blog (the one you are currently reading). It was back in December when I was intensively brainstorming  ideas on how could I keep my 365 days blogging challenge (an article per day) meanwhile rising the quality of content. Another reason I was looking for a Virtual Assistant / Freelancer - I was looking for ways of doing less by myself and getting more free time on other, let's say organizing…

Blog Income: 63% YoY Increase in Google AdSense Revenue


Learn how I increased revenue from Google AdSense by 63% Year over Year and how you could too.  For a prelude: I have been using Google AdSense for already seven and a half years by now, from whom first four and a half years have generated a really modest sum of EUR 100 from many low traffic and let's be totally honest - thin content websites (I had installed AdSense ad units on dozens of sites). Earnings from Google AdSense 2009-2016 By accessing my Google AdSense reports today (02/26/…

Spending $4 Per Day On Facebook Ads - Case Study


When it comes down to the Facebook Ads, I have love it / hate it relations, let me explain - I believe Facebook Ads are one of the simplest ways for small business to spread the word, while, at least, speaking about my experience the results are questionable. I'm spending on Facebook ads regularly, my spending/promotion habits are pretty simple - I can spend actively for one month, then stop for some two months and start again. Generally I'm promoting blog articles related to tourism…

Blog Traffic and Income Report 2016 - 635,048 Users / $18,586.41


It is just that time of the year  when I'm looking back on previous 2016 year in my blogger's career. In today's article I will reveal some data behind the blog scenes - both traffic and income for the whole year of 2016. This blog now is more than three years old, and for the last three years it has gone a long way, I have developed my writer skills from so so to average, there is still a long way to make them good and polish to perfect. The good news - I have enjoyed blogging process a lot…

How To Unsubscribe From Web Push Notifications


In case you are reading this - most probably I have just sent you a link here. In this article I will explain how to unsubscribe from notifications sent by or (hopefully) from another website sending you push notifications.  Why are you receiving push notifications from me or any other website? Chances are by 99.9% you have chose opt-in to receive them by visiting and reading some of the articles here or on the other site you are willing to unsubscribe. Web push…

Three Year Blog Anniversary


On October 10th, we are celebrating already third blog anniversary of What have started as a simple experiment have turned out to be a successful business venture. It's just amazing how fast time can fly, it feels just yesterday I wrote an article on second blog anniversary and day before yesterday I wrote summary for the first blogging anniversary, and just last week I launched this blog. Three years, three freaking years. Amazing and scary. If I launched my blog from my…

Few Tips Before Launching Your First Web Push Notification Campaing


Web push notifications have been around for a while already. Chances are, if you are reading this article, you have already implemented them on your website or at least you are planing to do it soon. Continue reading and I will reveal how did it go for my first web push notifications campaign. In fact I'm new to web push notifications. I first installed and enabled web push notifications for my blog just few days ago. See: How To Setup Web Push Notifications for Drupal or Any Site using…

How I Made $1,000 with Google AdSense in 7 years


Yes, I know the title doesn't sounds too much promising. Do a quick Google search and there will be zillion of results pointing out how to make $1,000 a day, or at least in a month. No to speak about - how to make a million dollar from Google AdSense. I'm here to tell you my story how I made humble thousand dollars in seven years. Dude, I feel sorry for me. Round a year ago I covered an article about Google AdSense achievements, it turned out I was using Google AdSense for already 6 years. Now…

How I grew my blog to 1 million Pageviews in 34 months


It took me 34 months or almost 3 years to get to the 1 million page views milestone. In this article I will reveal 3 simple tactics (no tricks here) how I achieved it. I took the title and inspiration for this post from Chris Lema article: How I grew my blog to 1 million pageviews in 18 months (without tricks) 1 million pageviews Now I can read with a smile my previous milestone - 10,000 users in 10 months. A lot of has changed since then, but here are things that don't.  Daily blogging…

Blog Income: 289% YoY Increase in Google AdSense Revenue


Learn how I increased revenue from Google AdSense by 289% Year over Year and how you could too.  For a prelude: I have been using Google AdSense for six and a half years by now, from whom first four and a half years generated a really modest sum of EUR 100 ($110 according to exchange rates as of 02/26/2016).from many low traffic and let's be totally honest - thin content websites (I had installed AdSense ad units on dozens of sites). There was a time when I took a pause from any attempts to…