Blog Archive: February 2015

Hi! My name is Reinis Fischer (38), a proud dad and devoted husband. CEO and Founder of Terramatris crypto hedge fund, drone enthusiast, world traveler, photographer, book author and passionate lover of Georgian cuisine (vegetarian).

An ex-pat living in Georgia since 2011, I trade stocks, take photographs, work out at the gym, and many more. Here I write about travel, finance, and other things that might interest me.

Latest articles

Maximizing Revenue: A Guide to Google Adsense Experiments


Google AdSense is a popular advertising network that allows website owners to display ads on their sites and earn money when users click on them. AdSense offers a wide range of ad formats and customization options to help publishers maximize their revenue. However, even with the best practices in place, it can be challenging to determine what ad…

Building A Travel Map - Drupal Way (Gmap + Views + Selective Filters)


In this article, I'll show how I built a travel map using Drupal and a few extra modules. For a starter, you can see a live preview by visiting my Travel Map. In this map, I have listed all places I have visited since October 2013 (When I started my blog). I have used a few filters to allow limiting results on the map, for example,  users can…

'Maspindzelo' Tbilisi Restaurant Review


Welcome to another series of Tbilisi restaurants, in this post I will speak about a restaurant 'Maspindzelo' located close to Tbilisi Sulphur baths. I first visited this restaurant just back in last summer, my visit here this time here was just a second time.  Actually we were heading to another restaurant - a newly opened Accent restaurant, but…

Beit Rachel Synagogue In Tbilisi


Beit Rachel synagogue is located in Tbilisi Old Town on Leselidze street 28. I first discovered it a few years ago, when accidentally visited an alternative restaurant located just opposite to it. Beit Rachel synagogue is actually located just a few blocks away from Tbilisi Main Synagogue. Though this synagogue is located in the heart of Tbilisi…

Content Writing in the Age of AI: What You Should Expect


Content writing has come a long way in recent years, with the rise of digital media and the increasing importance of online marketing. However, with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), the landscape of content writing is likely to change significantly in the years to come. One major development in this area is the rise of AI-powered…

11 Katkha Tbilisi Restaurant Review (Near Dinamo Stadium) (2015)


Welcome to another great Tbilisi Restaurant review - today I will speak about 11 Katkha Update 2023: This place has been closed for a while already. There are at least two other 11 Katkha restaurants in Tbilisi, one is in Saburtalo, second is on Baratishvili street (close to Freedom square), read my latest review here: 11 Katkha Tbilisi…

My February Savings Report - GEL Loses Another 16.5% Against USD; -17% Against EUR


Welcome to my third savings report, today I will look at historical exchange rates of GEL/USD and EUR and compare those with at the end of January (2015) with February 24. I started to save some chunk of money back in September 2014, since my "investments" was too small to buy some bonds, stocks or mutual funds, I decided to open a Savings…

How Amazon Associates Receives Their Checks in Republic of Georgia - Part 4 - Bank Commission Fees


Welcome to fourth and final part of my blog series on how Amazon Associates receives and redeems their checks in Republic of Georgia (South Caucasus). How participants of Amazon Associates program are getting paid in the Republic of Georgia by a bank check is a blog series I originally made at the end of 2014 / start of 2015 while struggling to…

About Georgia: A Chef In Love (1996 Movie)


Last night was the Oscar night - Estonian/Georgian movie Tangerines was nominated for best foreign language film. They didn't won, Ida did.  I decided to look is there some more Georgian movies nominated for Oscar, and turns out one film prior to Tangerines actually was nominated, back in 1996 - A Chef in Love. I was a bit surprised to learn -…

Tbilisi - Gudauri Transfer By Vazha Travel


Around two weeks ago we had a two day trip to Gudauri, where we stayed at Hotel Shamo, and enjoyed skiing opportunities in Gudauri. In this post I decided to write about transfer options from Tbilisi to Gudauri by a local company called Vazha Travel. Owner of this company is a personal friend, so I had all opportunities to bargain price  down.…

How Amazon Associates Receives Their Checks in Republic of Georgia - Part 3 - Waiting 40 Working Days


Welcome to the already third part of my blog series on how Amazon Associates receives checks and get them redeemed in Republic of Georgia. How participants of Amazon Associates program are getting paid in the Republic of Georgia by a bank check is a blog series I originally made at the end of 2014 / start of 2015 while struggling to redeem my…

Building A Simple Drupal Booking Engine From Scratch


Originally this post was planned to be a part of building a Drupal website from scratch series post, I did in late 2013. For some reason this post was left unpublished, so today I decided to review it one more time and make it public.  In this article, I'll show how to create simple, but powerful booking engine for fictional tourism company's…

Engineering An Empire The Byzantines


A long time has passed since I have reviewed some documentary film. Today, I watched an interesting documentary made by History Channel - Engineering an Empire The Byzantines. I must admit that now I feel more educated about ancient history. In this documentary is covered the time period from the founding of Constantinople (present-day Istanbul…

Helsinki - Tallinn tunnel could cost up to €13 billion


I first heard of idea to build an undersea tunnel connecting Finish capital Helsinki with Estonian Tallinn, back in 2006. Soon it will be already 10 years, and I would probably have forget the idea of this project, but, today I red an article suggesting that estimate costs of such project could be EUR 13 billion, and it could be completed toward…